We are Peregrine, an F1 in Schools team competing in Entry Class. We are based at Hitchin Boys School, and are one of the teams competing there this season.
F1 in Schools is a competition that allows students to create their own version of an F1 team, and work together on it in groups of 3-6. Each member takes their own role in the team, whether it be Team Principle, Engineer or working in branding the car. Once they have developed their car, students can then compete in their local F1 in Schools event. If they win the Regionals, they can go through to the Nationals, and then even the International Armaco F1 in Schools World Final! This competition provides the teams with insights on what it is like to work in or run a real F1 team, as well as teaching them to use CAD (computer aided design) and other complicated software.
Our team is named Peregrine after the fastest animal in the world, the Peregrine falcon. We decided that this was a fitting name as we were obviously going for speed and precision with our car, and the Peregrine falcon can reach speeds of up 360kmph during its near vertical dives. Our logo came later, with the beak like design on the P being inspired by our team name. Our colours also came from the falcon, with the blue colour being its main feather colour, and the yellow-gold the colour of its beak.
We are currently working on our Entry Class car (you can find more information regarding rules and regulations on Entry Class here: https://www.f1inschools.co.uk/rules--regs.html) whcih we will use for this season, which will culminate around February 2025 in the Regional finals. For this stage of the competition, we are preapring both a presentation and a pit wall display. This display will be three A2 sized panels, which we will cover in smaller, A4 posters about our team, our car and our sponsors.